@inproceedings{AIM2022,author={Wu, Shuaihu and Hu, Chuxiong and Zhao, Ziyan and Zhou, Ran and Zhu, Yu},booktitle={2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)},title={A Novel Flux Estimator Using α-β Orthogonality Drift Elimination for High Performance Full-Speed-Range Sensorless Control},year={2022},volume={},number={},pages={1315-1320},doi={10.1109/AIM52237.2022.9863297}}
Back EMF-Based Dynamic Position Estimation in the Whole Speed Range for Precision Sensorless Control of PMLSM
Ziyan Zhao, Chuxiong Hu, Ze Wang, and 3 more authors
@article{TII2022,author={Zhao, Ziyan and Hu, Chuxiong and Wang, Ze and Wu, Shuaihu and Liu, Zhijin and Zhu, Yu},journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics},title={Back EMF-Based Dynamic Position Estimation in the Whole Speed Range for Precision Sensorless Control of PMLSM},year={2022},volume={},number={},pages={1-12},doi={10.1109/TII.2022.3205941}}
High-Accuracy Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors for Variable Speed Trajectories
Shuaihu Wu, Chuxiong Hu, Ziyan Zhao, and 1 more author
@article{TIE2023,author={Wu, Shuaihu and Hu, Chuxiong and Zhao, Ziyan and Zhu, Yu},journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics},title={High-Accuracy Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors for Variable Speed Trajectories},year={2024},volume={71},number={5},pages={4396-4406},doi={10.1109/TIE.2023.3288145}}